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Sonia PurnellA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
On March 21, 1944, Virginia and a man named Henri Lassot landed on a Brittany beach. Virginia now worked for the OSS, which had only five agents in France. Her code name for this period was Diane. Henri went by Aramis. Virginia posed as a peasant woman; after studying with Hollywood makeup experts, she could now give herself wrinkles and had also had her teeth ground down. Aramis was her chief, but she disliked him.
Virginia traveled under the name Marcelle Montagne. The situation in Paris disturbed her. The Germans had taken over most buildings and given streets anti-Jewish names. She stayed with a woman named Madame Long in Paris. Aramis stayed with an old acquaintance, Madame Rabut. Virginia only had to meet with Aramis once a week. His lack of ambition, his scant accomplishments, his tendency to overshare sensitive information, and his physical weakness irritated Virginia. She recruited other helpers so that she didn’t have to rely on him. She continued to gain intelligence by posing as a cheese seller. An agent named Elisée Allard arrived, along with Marcel Leccia and a Belgian named Pierre Geelen. Virginia affectionately referred to Allard and Leccia as her nephews.
In the spring of 1944, Virginia was transmitting messages from a farm when German officers arrived at the building. She managed to hide the radio, and they did not see through her disguise. Shortly afterwards, Nazis left four spiked heads on the road into town to warn Resistance fighters. Virginia couldn’t transmit for fear of being caught.
On May 1 Virginia learned that Geelen might have been captured. She went to Paris with Madame Rabut, whom she asked to speak for them whenever possible to avoid drawing attention to any imperfections in Virginia’s French. She received orders to recruit Resistance fighters and perform various acts of sabotage against the Germans. Virginia and Madame Rabut then visited Colonel Vessereau, a Resistance leader in the Nièvre. Virginia trained his men and gave them the motto, “shoot, burn, destroy, and leave” (210).
Meanwhile, Leccia had been arrested, betrayed by a double agent named Lilias. The Germans tortured Leccia for 52 days. His arrest forced Virginia to move to Sury-en-Vaux, since she was nearby and could not afford to be close if Leccia revealed her location. She moved in with a woman named Estelle Bertrand.
As D-Day approached, the Germans increased their efforts to intimidate the public and to find and execute Resistance members. After D-Day, Resistance fighters inundated Virginia with requests for guns and explosives. She covered hundreds of miles assessing and supporting various groups of guerilla fighters. She grew frustrated because each time she brought a group of men up to her standards, she received orders to move on before sending them into action. In July of 1944, she sent a message to Aramis informing him that she was leaving without giving him a destination. Then she disappeared.
In June of 1944 Virginia had traveled 200 miles to Le Chambon-sur-Lignon to inspect the local Maquis (another name for French Resistance fighters). Le Chambon was an isolated plateau with a history of harboring fugitives.
Upon arrival, she had met with Auguste Bohne, a young, Swiss schoolteacher who came to Le Chambon to help war victims. Having taken a vow of non-violence, he initially did not help her find the Maquis. However, he had second thoughts after she left and arranged for Virginia to meet with Pierre Fayol, a local leader. Virginia questioned Fayol about his unit, and he got her a car. He and two others toured possible parachute drop zones with her. Initially, she impressed Fayol and his men, although Fayol—and many others—believed that war was not a business for women. After her assessment, Virginia returned to northern France with Madame Boitier to make plans for a supply drop.
Fayol soon became impatient. In early July he sent two people to find Virginia—Jacqueline Decourdemanche and Eric Barbezat. Jacqueline found Virginia, who explained that she had sent a message to Le Chambon, but it was lost en route. Virginia had abandoned her disguise at this point, making herself more conspicuous.
Jacqueline and Virginia were on a train to Saint Étienne when an air raid siren began. They were safe from the ensuing aerial bombardment since the English—who were responsible for the bombing—knew that Virginia was on the train. When they arrived at Saint Étienne there was no car to meet her—the driver was compromised and Virginia had to find her own way to Le Chambon. After meeting a man named Eric, who had instructions to tell them not to go to the safehouse, she and Jacqueline hid in a factory owned by one of Eric’s former bosses. Virginia soon booked a hotel room and sent a transmission to London.
The next day she posed as an injured person and left the hotel on a stretcher. The ambulance took her to Le Chambon, where she moved in with Fayol and his wife. She spent several days decoding messages. After a few days, she moved into a barn in Villelonge, a nearby village. There she met a 24-year-old former sailor named Bob, who helped her train new recruits. Rumors of her presence in the area brought in new recruits, including Victor Ruelle, a farmer who volunteered 150 men. However, some of the locals disliked Virginia and refused to support her efforts. Fayol also began undermining Virginia as he contemplated his postwar position. He stoked distrust in the locals and among his own men.
During this period, Virginia’s supporters began calling her La Madone. Soon, three RAF bombers dropped their supplies by parachute. Virginia had delivered on her guarantee of a successful supply drop. There were guns, vitamins, explosives, and more, but Fayol remained defiant, only wanting to take orders from French Forces of the Interior (FFI) leadership. Virginia enlisted FFI commandant Emile Thérond to help her work with Fayol.
The Allied Command targeted Le Puy, a medieval city, for sabotage. During a daring mission in early August, one of Virginia’s small teams targeted a critical bridge that the Germans used for supply runs by train. They destroyed the bridge, commandeered the train, and then drove it into the hole left by the explosions. Other successful sabotage missions followed, and Virginia was promoted to first lieutenant.
The Nazis killed in a frenzy as the war turned against them. Barbie murdered hundreds of prisoners. Virginia learned that her “nephews” have been sent to a death camp. She grew weary and homesick but never slackened the pace of her work. Soon, with Virginia’s help, the French fighters cleared the area of Germans. Her work made it possible for the Allies to regain Paris.
On September 4, 1944, Virginia waited to meet two American OSS agents: Henry Riley and Paul Goillot. Their plane landed 20 miles away from Le Chambon due to turbulence, but they were able to eventually make their way to Virginia to serve as her organizer and weapons instructor. They were both unsure about serving under a woman, but Virginia quickly won their confidence.
Goillot flirted with Virginia, and his lighthearted presence was welcome after months of fear and gloom. Like Virginia, the new agents were also unhappy with the French political maneuvering as they watched Resistance leaders like Fayol position themselves for postwar glory and leadership roles.
In the summer of 1944, Virginia had received new orders to start a guerilla force to actively engage with Germans during sabotage raids. Soon she had 19 volunteers and was cleared to participate in the combat herself. Henry and Paul trained the men in guerilla tactics and marksmanship. The group was known as the Diane Irregulars.
On September 13, their convoy headed towards the village of Roanne. Virginia rode with Paul during the 150-mile trip. Virginia and her men stayed at a lakeside chateau and waited for orders from Allied Command. London rejected her offer to help with any missions in the area, and The Diane Irregulars disbanded. During their stay at the chateau, Paul and Virginia became romantically involved.
Virginia, Paul, Henry, and Bob went to Paris on September 22. Paul visited his father and sister only to learn that his father died of cancer months earlier. He then joined Virginia in London, where she was trying without success to acquire a new mission.
In Paris, Lieutenant Colonel van der Stricht began lobbying for Virginia to receive the Distinguished Service Cross, America’s “second-highest military honor” (269). OSS officials questioned Fayol for his opinion about Virginia’s fitness. Having reversed his former opinions about Virginia and her leadership, Fayol gave a glowing report to OSS. He would later spend 10 years studying Virginia and trying to give her story and contributions to the war greater visibility. On March 16, 1946, France would award Virginia the Croix de Guerre.
In the fall of 1944, Bill Donovan, the OSS Director, selected Virginia for a potential mission called Operation Crocus. The mission required Virginia and Paul to infiltrate the Austrian Tyrol area—a region with many Nazi supporters—and form a Resistance network. That December Virginia and Paul went to OSS Central European headquarters for training in garroting, hand-to-hand combat, and dagger work. They were frustrated as the war progressed and they were not on the front line.
On April 31, 1945, Hitler killed himself with a pistol. Germany surrendered on May 7. Shortly after, Donovan suggested that President Truman award Virginia the Distinguished Service Cross. She rejected the offer, stating that a secret agent should not be given a public award. She then returned to Lyon with Paul, where she visited Germaine and Dr. Rousset. Rousset told her about his experiences at Buchenwald and informed her that the “nephews” had been executed. Virginia reported to OSS and said that capturing Alesch must be prioritized.
By this point, the Belgians had given Alesch sanctuary under the guise of an abbé. He fled to Luxembourg when his employers learned that he was being hunted. On July 2, he turned himself in to the Americans under the name of René Martin, hoping to save his life by informing.
When the war ended, Virginia went to America with Paul. She hoped that she would be able to rest and create a satisfying future with him, but she was unsure of how she would fare in peacetime.
Barbara quickly complicated Virginia’s postwar life in America. She disapproved of Paul, who she believed indulged Virginia’s “bossiness” (288). To avoid friction with her mother, Virginia resolved to keep their relationship a secret. Barbara accompanied Virginia when she received the Distinguished Service Cross in a private ceremony in Donovan’s office.
On October 1, Truman ended the OSS, leaving thousands of agency workers without jobs. It was often difficult for these former agents to find work because they weren’t allowed to discuss their classified military history as job experience. However, realizing that his dismantling of the OSS was premature, Truman created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the reality of the impending Cold War set in. Virginia was one of the first women to join the agency. Because of her Italian language skills, she received an assignment in Venice as a deskbound analyst, which she disliked. She resigned in July of 1948.
On May 25, 1948, Robert Alesch appeared before a Paris court on charges of providing intelligence to the Nazis. On February 25, 1949, a firing squad executed him.
In early 1950, Virginia moved to New York to live with Paul. They had been living apart to escape Barbara’s judgment. In New York, they drank heavily and Virginia’s moods improved. The CIA offered her an assignment as an administrative assistant preparing broadcasts for Radio Free Europe. The repetitive nature of the job bored her, and in 1951 she applied for a new assignment. Each time she applied for an assignment, the lengthy security process frustrated her; her experiences in World War II had not bought her any credibility in the CIA.
Virginia and Paul moved to Washington when she received a covert assignment near the end of 1951. Her job was to continue to recruit Resistance fighters in Europe whom the US could use to aid NATO forces if the Soviet Union ever attacked America’s allies. Virginia enjoyed the work, which helped fill the void that she and Paul felt over not having children.
Virginia’s health deteriorated over the next several years, which she attributed to the number of pills she took during the war. Benzedrine can cause heart problems, and her prosthetic, which she called “Cuthbert,” grew more uncomfortable for her each year. She began opting out of overseas assignments, which worked against her; she could no longer refer to recent, relevant experience in the field when applying for assignments.
Paul became the co-owner of a French restaurant. Having decided that they no longer cared about Barbara’s opinions, he and Virginia married on April 15, 1957. Over the next several years, Virginia continued to receive assignments below her rank. She retired in 1966, shortly after her 60th birthday. Her supporters in the CIA were appalled at how poorly the agency used her abilities. Virginia’s health continued to worsen after her retirement, and she stopped using Cuthbert. Paul had a severe stroke in his sixties. Virginia died on July 8, 1982 at age 76. Her death created a surge in interest in her life and work.
The author gives an overview of Virginia’s legacy; among other things, France has recognized her as an “American friend” (309), and the CIA has named a building after her. Purnell also provides updates on most of the book’s major figures. For example, Barbie initially escaped to Bolivia but was eventually extradited and sentenced to life imprisonment, Alain died in a concentration camp shortly before the war ended, and Paul survived Virginia by five years.
The final chapters juxtapose the victorious end of the war with the somewhat ignominious conclusion of Virginia’s career. The evolution of Fayol’s perception of Virginia also serves as a stark contrast to the attitudes of her superiors at the CIA. When Virginia first arrived at Le Chambon, Fayol resisted her leadership: “Most of the men, Fayol included, believed war was in any case a man’s affair” (229). Even after she showed him that she was an effective leader, he continued to undermine her influence. However, Fayol would later spend a decade of his life bringing attention to Virginia’s work; he evolved from one of her detractors to one of her most fervent supporters.
Virginia was able to win Fayol’s support because she “made sure never to discuss politics, and as a true agent she was willing to work with anyone who could help her defeat the Nazis, including the Communist Franc-Tireurs et Partisans, because she thought them brave and efficient” (239). Fayol was one of many faction leaders who fought the war with an eye to their status afterward. By contrast, Virginia exemplified commitment to a cause without regard for glory or personal gain. Her master values were bravery and efficiency. The infighting produced by ideologies and insecure status-seekers was anathema to her. It was her love of France that made this possible: “I don’t want people to talk about what I did. Everything I did was for love of France, my second country” (272). She was able to set aside questions of postwar logistics to fight for what she considered her second country while native Frenchmen like Fayol waffled over politics.
Virginia’s courage did not go entirely unnoticed. When she was nominated for the Distinguished Service Cross, her response was emblematic of her selfless, patriotic nature: “She responded to the question of who should be recommended for an American honor with the curt, ‘In my opinion, no one deserves one.’ And there was, she stated, ‘no reason’ for her to be decorated either’” (268). Furthermore, she felt that such accolades would hinder her usefulness on future missions, even though the war was ending: “Miss Virginia Hall…feels very strongly that she should not receive any publicity or any announcement as to her award…She states she is still operational and most anxious to get busy. Any publicity would preclude her going on any operation” (279). She maintained this revulsion for self-aggrandizement even among friends. When her group of irregulars proposed a gathering, she refused “on the grounds that she did not want anyone to talk about her deeds during the war. She would only open up so far” (297).
The war’s ending offered Virginia a new opportunity—a life of peace—but it also made her anxious. Her relationship with Paul helped her view the future with some optimism: “She set off across the Atlantic with the respect and admiration of her colleagues and superiors and the love of a good man. War had been her fulfillment. Would peace be the same?” (285). Unfortunately, the liberty and sense of purpose she experienced during the war were quashed almost as soon as she returned home. When she introduced Paul to her mother, opening herself up to the vulnerability of criticism, “Barbara was not impressed, and thoughts of marriage were put on ice. For all Virginia’s rebelliousness, she did not go against her mother’s wishes on this—although she refused to give up her lover altogether” (288). Virginia’s mother was able to constrain her daughter in a way that no one else could. Not even the threat of Klaus Barbie was enough to force Virginia to suspend her activities, but her mother’s disapproval weighed on her.
Virginia’s difficulties extended to her professional life. The CIA placed an agent deemed indispensable to the war effort in a series of menial jobs. With the passage of time, she had less relevant, recent experience: “The qualities—namely her age, disability, and gender—that made her so good overseas by rendering her invisible, would make life difficult for her in an office environment. Promotions, status, and the ‘right to be listened to’ on the covert operations side of the CIA relied largely on recent experience in the field, and now she had none to offer” (298).
Although Virginia did not want professional accolades, The CIA’s unwillingness to make the best use of her rankled. She did not understand why men felt threatened or overshadowed by her, given that she had proven that results mattered to her more than fame or power. When the author writes, “Valor rarely reaps the dividends it should” (305), it is a pessimistic sentiment. Virginia deserved nothing but gratitude. However, because she did not seek public gratitude, and because the times permitted more aggressive discrimination against women, she was bound to remain frustrated. However, her example inspired women to join the Resistance during World War II. The Epilogue makes it clear that Virginia continues to inspire women to join the American military and espionage organizations. The better known her story becomes, Purnell implies, the more her influence will grow.
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