57 pages 1 hour read

Abdulrazak Gurnah


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

In Afterlives, Abdulrazak Gurnah crafts a poignant narrative set in colonial East Africa. The novel has been praised for its evocative storytelling and rich historical detail. However, some critics noted its slow pacing. Overall, it is admired for its deep character development and exploration of themes like displacement and resilience.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Afterlives?

A reader who enjoys historical fiction with deep character exploration, especially on themes of colonialism and identity, will appreciate Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah. Fans of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will find this narrative compelling.


Reading Age


Book Details

Historical Fiction
Military / War
Race / Racism
Trauma / Abuse / Violence
Colonialism / Postcolonialism
Society: Colonialism
Relationships: Marriage
Society: War