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Jenny Downham

Before I Die

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Chapters 22-31Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 22 Summary

Zoey and Tessa go to the beach; the weather is still overcast, and they are among the only people there. They visit a nearby hotel where Tessa’s family used to vacation. Tessa tells the woman proprietor at the hotel that her family always stayed in a certain room. The proprietor asks her if she would like to reserve this room again for the night, and Tessa says yes, ignoring Zoey’s frantic warnings.

In the room, Tessa tells Zoey about a time when she and her mother hid in this room’s closet. Her mother was fighting with her father and wanted to teach him a lesson by making him worry about her. Tessa and her mother wrote their names on the inside of the closet door, and she wants to see if they are still there.

Zoey is unmoved by this story and wants to leave. The two have another fight, and Zoey reveals that she is three months pregnant. Tessa calculates that Zoey’s baby (should she decide to keep it) will be born in May, which is also the month of Tessa’s birthday. She checks the closet door, which has been repainted.

Chapter 23 Summary

Tessa’s father and Cal set off fireworks on their lawn, while Tessa and her mother watch them. Tessa reveals to her mother that the next item on her list is to become famous. Tessa’s mother tells Tessa’s father, who becomes distressed. Tessa retreats to the house and watches her parents comfort one another. She has an eerie feeling of already being a ghost and watching the living go about their business.

To get over it, Tessa goes to Adam’s house. She wants to be more than friends. When they kiss against the side of his house, she blooms: “I feel absolutely alive” (176). 

Chapter 24 Summary

Tessa accompanies Zoey for a preliminary abortion consultation. She has morbid thoughts about the baby in Zoey’s womb, comparing it to a mouse that she found caught in a trap the previous night. She reflects that when Zoey emerges from the consultation, she will “understand what I already know – that death surrounds us all” (182).

As Tessa chats with Zoey in the waiting room, we learn that Tessa and Adam came close to having sex last night, but Adam’s mother interrupted them. Adam has not been in touch since.

Chapter 25 Summary

In order to satisfy the “fame” requirement on Tessa’s list—and perhaps also to regain control over his wayward daughter—Tessa’s father pulls strings with some work connections to get Richard Green, a popular radio host, to interview Tessa about her illness on his show.

The interview is in all ways a disappointment. Despite his fame, Green is a rumpled and ordinary-looking man, and he is impatient and abrupt toward Tessa. He cuts their interview short when she goes off-script, describing her list and a few of the rebellious things that she has done. Instead of being angry with her, Tessa’s father muses optimistically that her appearance on the show might compel listeners to donate money to their family, which they could use for more advanced hospital treatments in the United States. 

Chapter 26 Summary

It is Christmas Day. Tessa’s parents spent the previous night together and are now silly and slightly drunk. While Tessa has hoped that they would reconcile, she finds herself embarrassed by their behavior.

Adam and his mother Sally come over for Christmas dinner. The dinner is awkward at first, due to Sally’s odd and preoccupied manner and the tension between Adam and Tessa. However, the tension soon dissolves, with everyone at the table pulling Christmas firecrackers, then reading the jokes written on slips of paper inside them. Adam and Tessa quietly reconcile by touching limbs beneath the dinner table.

Zoey surprises the gathering by coming in and announcing her pregnancy. After she told her parents that she intends to keep the baby, they kicked her out of the house. She hopes the baby is a girl and wants to name her Lauren. 

Chapter 27 Summary

Tessa goes outside at the end of the Christmas dinner, suddenly feeling estranged and wanting to be alone. While the rest of her family and guests play cards, she ruminates over the dying tree in their back yard, speculating that one day she will help the tree to blossom. 

Adam joins her. The two share a cigarette and talk in the dark. Tessa tells Adam about the radio interview, her trip to the beach with Zoe, and her habit of writing words on walls. They go next door to Adam’s bedroom, where Adam presents her with a bracelet. They kiss. 

Chapter 28 Summary

Following their kiss, Tessa and Adam have sex in Adam’s room. It is a much more rewarding experience than Tessa’s first time with Jake. She has a novel sense of having no “edges” (212) and reflects on the difference between being touched intimately and being touched by doctors. 

Chapter 29 Summary

On a night when she was supposed to go out dancing with Adam, Tessa’s nose begins to bleed uncontrollably. She is alone with her mother, who has never before cared for Tessa in this state and has little medical knowledge of her illness. Tessa directs her mother to call them a cab and to take them to the hospital. They pass Adam on their way out. He offers to take Tessa to the hospital himself, but Tessa refuses his help.

In the emergency room, Tessa must take control of the situation even though she is ill. By squeezing her mother’s hand to signal yes or no, she is able to communicate with her doctor, who determines that she needs to have her throat and nose stuffed with gauze. Her mother’s only contribution is to tell Tessa lively stories during her recuperation. Tessa appreciates her mother’s charm and presence, as does the doctor.

As their taxi takes them back home through the town, Tessa discovers that someone (probably Adam) has carved or scrawled her name everywhere, presumably to fulfill her “fame” list item: “The shops in the High Street still have their metal grills down, blank-eyed and sleeping. My name is scrawled across them all” (226). The sight makes her extremely happy, despite her weakened state and her recent ordeal. 

Chapter 30 Summary

Tessa tells her father that she wants Adam to move in with her. Her father forbids this. Tessa presses her mother, who is still staying with the family, on whether or not she and her father are getting back together, asking why she left in the first place. Her mother says little, only warning Tessa not to get her hopes up about Adam: “You want some sweet and lovely things, Tessa, but be careful. Other people can’t always give you what you want” (232).

Tessa presses Adam to move in with her, ignoring her father’s wishes. Adam is reluctant at first, partly because he does not wish to leave his own fragile mother alone at nights. However, he eventually relents, and the two of them have sex on Tessa’s bed that night. Afterwards, Tessa goes out into the hallway, where she runs into her father, who accepts the situation.  

Chapter 31 Summary

Tessa sits with Zoey on her lawn. It is a beautiful spring day, and the weather makes Tessa feel both happy and slightly dizzy. Zoey is in good spirits and tells Tessa all about her new apartment and the support group for teenage mothers that she has joined. Adam and Sally say hello on their way out to buy new plants for their garden—Sally has taken a new interest in gardening and seems generally happier and healthier.

Tessa’s family has planned a trip to Sicily soon, and Tessa and Zoey look at the brochure together. Tessa’s mother has given up her own spot on the trip for Adam. When Adam and his mother return from their trip to the nursery, an increasingly disoriented Tessa falls and loses consciousness. 

Chapters 22-31 Analysis

In these chapters, Tessa’s focus begins to shift from escaping her life to finding comfort in it. She becomes less focused on crossing out all of the items on her list, and more focused on developing her relationships with her friends and family. While she still carries out a few of her old plans, these plans are now collaborative: pursued with the full knowledge and cooperation of her family and friends. In an effort to satisfy the “fame” requirement on her list, Tessa’s father takes her to a radio interview. In an attempt to fulfill Tessa’s “travel” requirement, her family plans a trip to Sicily – a trip they would ultimately have to cancel. Tessa and her family meet one another halfway: They attempt to understand her needs, while she accepts their limits.

Tessa’s changing attitude draws other isolated or marginalized characters into her increasingly community-minded orbit. In turn, these growing relationships further draw Tessa into her circle of intimates. Tessa’s burgeoning relationship with Adam and her discovery that her best friend Zoey is pregnant best exemplify this trend. Tessa finds Adam and Zoey appealing initially because they are independent and rebellious. She appreciates Zoey for her fearless, defiant spirit, and she appreciates Adam for his strangeness and aloneness, which reminds her of her own.

However, Adam and Zoey’s connection to Tessa domesticates each of them over the course of these chapters. Zoey decides to keep her baby rather than aborting it in large part because of the pressure that she feels from her dying friend. Her pregnancy estranges her from her own family but links her more closely to Tessa’s family. Adam also enters Tessa’s family circle, which helps to heal his own broken family. After he brings his depressed widowed mother Sally to Christmas dinner at Tessa’s house, Sally begins to come out of her shell.

Tessa also begins to come to terms with her own imperfect mother. When her mother must take her to the hospital one night – something she has never done before – Tessa must take charge of the process in her weakened state. Tessa tells her mother that they need to take a cab to the hospital; once there, she provides her own symptoms and list of medications to the doctor. However, although her mother turns out to be useless in an emergency on a practical level, she has a charming bedside manner. She distracts Tessa by telling her stories that captivate even the medical staff around them. Because Tessa is increasingly sick and dependent, she has no choice but to take whatever comfort her mother can give. At the same time, Tessa’s increasing frailty allows her to see the good in and be more loving towards flawed characters like her mother.