40 pages 1 hour read

Jenny Downham

Before I Die

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Important Quotes

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“Now he’s downstairs frying sausage. I can hear the fat spitting, the slosh of gravy in the pan. I’m not sure I should be able to hear that from all the way upstairs, but nothing surprises me any more.”

(Chapter 1, Page 2)

Tessa’s illness removes her from the world in many ways, yet also gives her a heightened sensitivity to other people. That she is able to hear the sounds of her father cooking downstairs speaks to the fixedness of her routine and the quietness of her days. Yet it also speaks to a strange omniscience that her illness occasionally seems to give her, as if she is already halfway to being a ghost. 

Quotation Mark Icon

 “She’s very pale and very blonde and her acne makes her look kind of savage. I’ve never had a spot in my life. It’s the luck of the draw.” 

(Chapter 2, Page 8)

There is a certain amount of irony and understatement in this observation about Zoey’s acne, given Tessa’s own, much more significant health problems. It is not the first time in the novel that Tessa will muse about the randomness of fate.

Quotation Mark Icon

“If I keep dancing, the dark corners of the room won’t creep any nearer, and the silence between tracks won’t get any louder.” 

(Chapter 3, Page 14)

Tessa is often motivated by the idea that constant motion and activity will fend off her illness and allow her to act out her anger. While her manic activity may keep her hopelessness at bay for a while, it also prevents her from really noticing the world around her.  

Quotation Mark Icon

“Maybe we don’t have to have sex. Maybe we could just lie down and snuggle up, find sleep in each other’s arms under the duvet. Maybe we’ll fall in love. He’ll hunt for a cure and I’ll live forever.” 

(Chapter 4, Page 23)

While Tessa has picked up Jake in a nightclub to lose her virginity to him, her sexual aggression masks a need for stability and comfort. Though she is determined to live fast and boldly, a part of her wants rest and relief. In this way, she is more like her best friend Zoey than either of them realizes. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“I tell her where Mum lives. I confirm there’s no emergency. I wonder if Mum’ll get sent some kind of bill. I hope so.” 

(Chapter 5, Page 34)

Tessa calls a psychiatric hotline while visiting her mother but is unable to articulate her problem to the operator. This is because she can’t quite describe her anger at her mother’s offhand style of parenting, which flares up during small moments. In this situation, Tessa is mad because she has suddenly realized that she is unable to confide any of her deep stresses and fears to her mother. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“Pinpricks of light like fireflies bat against my eyelids. I can hear my own blood coursing, like hooves pounding the street. The grey light outside the hospital window thickens.” 

(Chapter 6, Page 39)

While enduring a hospital check-up, Tessa imagines her body as an apocalyptic nightmare, with scared running horses and flashing lights. Her imaginings echo the painting she sees on her doctor’s wall, which depicts a scene from the 16th century bubonic plague epidemic—a panicked running woman in a darkened field. Tessa deeply identifies with the painting’s sense of inevitable destruction.   

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘I hope you die while I’m at school!’ [Cal] hisses. ‘And I hope it bloody hurts! And I hope they bury you somewhere horrible like the fish shop or the dentist’s!’” 

(Chapter 7, Page 42)

While Cal knows that his older sister is dying, her illness has become part of his background and her impending death is still not quite real to him. His exaggerated nastiness hides his deep grief, a feeling that will emerge later in the novel.

Quotation Mark Icon

“All matter is comprised of particles. The more solid something is, the closer the particles are held together. People are solid, but inside is liquid.” 

(Chapter 8, Page 48)

Tessa makes this observation while throwing keepsakes into a bonfire, one of the times she angrily lays waste to treasured childhood items. As she burns her belongings, she compares the impermanence of objects with human frailty—and with her own frailty in particular. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“But I want to show [Cal] the rats on the towpath, the leaves ripped screaming from the trees, the way people avoid what’s difficult, the way this man in pajamas is more real than Zoey, trotting up behind us with her big gob and silly blonde hair.” 

(Chapter 10, Page 67)

Tessa’s illness makes her impatient with the masks that people wear. To Tessa, people’s social hypocrisy is just as ugly as is the sight of river rats. Her desire to show her younger brother Cal the darker, rawer side of life is heightened by the fight that she has just had with her friend Zoey, and by her sense of Zoey as compromised and hypocritical. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“Even when I was a really little kid, I recognized the signs – the butterflies that crisped up in jam jars, Cal’s rabbit eating its own babies.” 

(Chapter 18, Page 133)

While Tessa generally thinks of her illness as random bad luck, she also occasionally thinks of herself as fated and doomed. In this quote, she speculates that her morbid sensitivity and alertness to the dark side of life led her to get sick. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“She turns to go, then at the doorway turns back. ‘You want some sweet and lovely things, Tessa, but be careful. Other people can’t always give you what you want.’” 

(Chapter 30, Page 232)

Tessa’s mother’s advice is incongruously sensible and restrained, considering she has spent her life chasing what she wants, with little regard for the consequences. It shows her mother’s complexity and suggests that her independence has been harder than she lets on. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“It’s so difficult to get what I want. I worry that people only give me things because they feel guilty.” 

(Chapter 30, Page 238)

As Tessa grows sicker, she needs comfort from the people around her, but has a hard time accepting the fact that people are driven by both selfish and selfless desires. Before, she felt a need to escape these bonds and obligations because depending on people was more frightening to her than her most dangerous escapades. Now, she just wants her loved ones to act less out of pity towards her and more out of a genuine desire to take care of her. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“But I still care. When am I going to stop caring?” 

(Chapter 32, Page 254)

Tessa discovers that dying is not a slow and peaceful fade, as movies often portray it. Even while her body weakens, she is not reconciled to the idea of leaving the world.  

Quotation Mark Icon

“I like it – the stall and shove of traffic, the deep thrum of a bus engine, an urgent siren in the distance.” 

(Chapter 34, Page 266)

In her increasingly weakened and isolated state, the ordinary sights and sounds of the world console Tessa. She appreciates the chaos of a city street after being in the hospital, alert to the raucous clashing sounds of traffic because of her love of man made and natural storms. The traffic noises mirror her angry, conflicted, and determined internal state.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Rain lashes softly at the window, washing [Cal and Dad] transparent.” 

(Chapter 35, Page 274)

Sometimes Tessa feels like a ghost; other times, the people around her appear ghost-like to her. As she watches Cal and her father clean up the deliberate mess that she has made on their lawn, by throwing all of her things out of her bedroom window, she sees that they have turned a frustrating duty into a lighthearted treasure hunt. Her illness has transformed them almost as much as herself.  

Quotation Mark Icon

 “But he glows with the future. I can see it in his eyes. He got on a train and he went to Northampton. He’ll go to so many places without me.”

(Chapter 36, Page 376)

Tessa can often see the hope and resilience of the grieving people around her better than they themselves can. Even while Adam sees no future for himself without Tessa, she sees his future as a kind of aura around him. The suggestion is that to be alive and healthy is to be inherently optimistic. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“Fat, kind Philippa, helping all the people between London and the south coast to die.” 

(Chapter 37, Page 282)

Tessa initially resents her home nurse Philippa, but eventually grows to appreciate her. Though Philippa seems staid and bossy at first, Tessa gradually sees that she has her own brand of tact and directness, honed from years of working with terminally ill people. The main reason Tessa so dislikes Philippa at first is simply because Philippa’s presence reminds her that she is dying.  

Quotation Mark Icon

“Number eleven. A cup of tea.” 

(Chapter 37, Page 283)

As Tessa’s world grows smaller, her desires become simpler and easier to fulfill. Formerly she yearned for fame and foreign travel, but now she simply craves a cup of tea. At the same time, her needs grow more elemental and enormous: She wants the people around her to rescue her from her dying.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I want a biodegradable coffin and a woodland burial. 

(Chapter 37, Page 284)

Tessa often attempts to make sense of her dying by situating herself in the natural world, as opposed to the constructed, social world of her friends, family and school. Here, she does so literally, planning her death so that it disturbs the natural world as little as possible, and instead contributes to the cycle of life

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘I’m going to be the only kid at school with a dead sister.’” 

(Chapter 38, Page 286)

This statement is typical of Cal’s layered repartee with his sister Tessa. It is jokey and flippant on its surface, while also expressing his grief and distress about being left behind. It also shows the degree to which Cal, as a younger brother, expects Tessa to comfort him about her death.  

Quotation Mark Icon

“It comforts me to know that in other countries with different time zones, women are washing clothes in rivers and children are filing in to school.” 

(Chapter 38, Pages 288-289)

While dying, Tessa fluctuates between a very small perspective and a very large one. Sometimes she takes comfort in the idea of distant lives going on around her, as if she is already a ghost. At other times, she only wants herself to live. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“I laugh a lot. I’m a laughing skeleton. To hear us – Adam, Zoey and me – is like being offered a window to climb through. Anything could happen next.” 

(Chapter 39, Page 292)

Although Tessa’s friends and family cannot rescue her from her fate, they can still console her in small ways. That Tessa is able to laugh even while dying gives her a sense of randomness and unpredictability. More than once, she comforts herself with the thought that anything could happen next. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“I put Lauren Tessa Walker at my shoulder and swim my hand in circles over her back. I listen to her heart. She sounds careful, determined. She is ferociously warm.” 

(Chapter 39, Page 292)

Tessa has a reverie about meeting her friend Zoey’s baby, who in actuality will be born shortly after Tessa’s death. In her daydream, Tessa gets a sense of animal tenacity and willpower from the baby—one that is in all living creatures, including Tessa herself.  

Quotation Mark Icon

“please get into bed and climb on top of me with your warmth and wrap me with your arms and make it stop” 

(Chapter 40, Page 296)

Towards the end of her life, Tessa’s physical need for Adam becomes a primal need for warmth and connection, as much as a sexual need. The lack of punctuation in this sentence indicates Tessa’s thoughts are helpless and instinctual—something she could never say aloud to Adam.

Quotation Mark Icon

“All gathering towards this one.” 

(Chapter 46, Page 327)

This last sentence in the book is also Tessa’s last conscious thought. It indicates a sense of inevitability about her death—of forward progression and “gathering” moments—that she has never had up until now. In surrendering her life, she has also surrendered to her animal state.