69 pages • 2 hours read
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On a hot July day in Saint Petersburg, a 23-year-old student named Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov slips out of his small apartment to avoid his landlord, to whom he is “hopelessly in debt” (38). Raskolnikov walks aimlessly through the streets on his way to meet an elderly pawnbroker named Aliona Ivanovna. He is an alienated, lonely young man, who avoids contact with other people. His poverty and squalid living conditions depress him so much that he has fallen behind in his studies. Half starved, having eaten almost nothing for two days, he dreads some unspeakable, unspecified act which he is about to perform. Though Raskolnikov is a handsome young man, he now dresses in dirty rags to avoid people’s attention.
Raskolnikov arrives at Aliona Ivanovna’s house. As he approaches, he becomes more and more disgusted with his secret plan, seeing his actions as degrading and loathsome. When Aliona Ivanovna opens the door, she considers Raskolnikov with her sharp, spiteful eyes. Raskolnikov wishes to pawn yet another one of his possessions. They haggle, but he is forced to accept her low offer because they both know that Raskolnikov has nowhere else to go. Raskolnikov pays close attention to where she had hidden her money and then announces that he has something even more valuable to pawn. Raskolnikov departs feeling increasingly agitated and anxious.
Raskolnikov decides that he needs a drink, so he enters a tavern for the first time. There, a shabby civil servant named Semyon Marmeladov introduces himself and launches into a long, winding account of his life. Marmeladov is an alcoholic. He was fired from his job because of his drinking problem, but he has recently been reinstated to his clerk’s position in the local government office. However, he has spent the previous five days drinking heavily and he is now scared to return home to his wife, Katerina Ivanovna, a widow with three children from a previous marriage, who had to marry Marmeladov to support her family. Marmeladov is deeply ashamed—his teenage daughter Sonia has been driven into prostitution to support the family, but Marmeladov stole Sonia’s earnings and spent the money on alcohol. He begs Raskolnikov to absolve him of his guilt.
Marmeladov asks Raskolnikov whether he knows how life can be filled with despair and suffering without any way to escape. Marmeladov is terrified that when he returns home after spending what little money they have on his binge, Katerina will beat him—and he feels that he deserves to be beaten. Raskolnikov is at first uncomfortable in this conversation, but then changes his mind and helps Marmeladov get home. Horrified by the poverty in which Marmeladov and his family live, Raskolnikov scrapes what little change he has from his pocket and leaves it behind for the family.
Raskolnikov wakes up disgusted by his small, dirty room. For all of his efforts to withdraw from human contact, he still suffers. A servant informs Raskolnikov that the landlord, a woman named Praskovia Pavlovna, plans to report him to the police for failing to pay his rent.
Raskolnikov gets a letter from his mother, Pulkheria Alexandrovna. He opens it with trembling hands and reads her words of unwavering love and support. Raskolnikov learns that his sister Dunia found a job as a governess in the house of a wealthy man named Svidrigailov. However, Svidrigailov made inappropriate advances toward Dunia. When Svidrigailov tried to persuade Dunia to run away with him, Svidrigailov’s wife overheard. She blamed Dunia, and started telling people that Dunia tried to seduce her husband. When the community turned against Dunia, Svidrigailov produced a letter Dunia wrote admonishing Svidrigailov for his behavior. Marfa accepted her mistake and brought Dunia to the attention of the rich and single Piotr Petrovitch Luzhin. Luzhin proposed to Dunia, believing that marrying a poor woman would ensure her loyal, and Dunia accepted. Dunia and Pulkheria Alexandrovna will soon move to Saint Petersburg to be with Luzhin. Pulkheria Alexandrovna promises to send more money to her son and hopes that Luzhin may help Raskolnikov find a job.
Dismayed, Raskolnikov promises himself that he will halt Dunia’s marriage to Luzhin; he believes that his sister does not actually love her fiancé and that she only accepted his proposal as a way to help her brother. Raskolnikov considers Luzhin miserly and ungenerous. However, he realizes that he lacks any real ability to stop the wedding. While thinking about his conundrum, Raskolnikov watches a teenage girl staggering along the street, incapacitated by drink. A foppish, plump man follows behind her. The girl seems unaware that she is being followed, so Raskolnikov intervenes. He stops the man and causes a scene. A policeman arrives and places the incapacitated girl in a cab. Raskolnikov offers what little money he has left to pay for the girl’s fare, but then a feeling of revulsion comes over him. He worries that he has intervened in a matter that does not concern him. Raskolnikov returns home, cursing the money that was not his to give away. He decides to visit Razumikhin, an old friend whom he has not seen in months.
Raskolnikov changes his mind before he reaches Razumikhin’s home, but promises that he will visit his friend soon. He despairs over whether he will ever actually visit Razumikhin and the anxiety becomes so unbearable that Raskolnikov flees to a restaurant. He drinks a glass of vodka and, made drunk by the unfamiliar alcohol, staggers to a nearby park where he falls asleep. Raskolnikov dreams of a childhood memory: watching a drunken peasant furiously beat his tired old horse. Soon the crowd joins in, thrashing the creature to death. Raskolnikov imagines his younger self throwing his arms around the dead horse and kissing it. As he hugs it, the peasant loudly insists that he had the right to do whatever he pleased to his animal.
Raskolnikov wakes up and curses his bad dream. He wonders in horror whether he could ever beat a feeble horse to death, but realizes he could never kill an animal in such a fashion. As he walks home through the market, he overhears Lizaveta Ivanovna, the half-sister of the pawnbroker, say that Aliona Ivanovna will be at home alone tomorrow evening. This presents, he decides, the perfect opportunity to enact his dreadful plan to kill Aliona Ivanovna.
Raskolnikov remembers overhearing two young men discussing how much they hate Aliona Ivanovna. They considered her hateful and aggressive, accusing her of charging outrageous, inflated fees. They claimed Aliona Ivanovna was a sadistic woman who beats Lizaveta and seizes the possessions of poor people who fail to pay on time. The two officers decided that Aliona Ivanovna is a negative influence on society. As Raskolnikov listened, they speculated that a person could kill the pawnbroker and redistribute her ill-gotten gains, saving many poor families in the process. Saving so many families may even make up for the crime of killing an old woman, the men suggested, though neither of them felt able to commit murder.
Raskolnikov thinks about this conversation as he plots his murder. He sews a hook into the inside of his coat and uses it to tuck away an axe stolen from his building. He walks to Aliona Ivanovna’s house and rings her doorbell several times.
Aliona Ivanovna opens her door a little and Raskolnikov forces his way into her apartment. He hands her a fake silver cigarette case, pretending that he wishes to pawn the item. As she examines it, he hits her with the blunt end of his axe. She collapses and he continues to hit her until she is dead. Raskolnikov places the axe on the floor. As he searches her body, he notices that Aliona Ivanovna wore two crosses. He finds her keys and a small purse filled with money. Unlocking a safe, Raskolnikov inspects the gold and silver items collected by the pawnbroker. However, he is interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Lizaveta comes in and stares in horror at her dead sister. Raskolnikov hits Lizaveta with the sharp end of the axe and splits her skull open, killing her instantly. The reality of the second murder terrifies Raskolnikov. He thinks about immediately running to the police and confessing to his crimes, but instead he cleans the blood from his clothes. The doorbell rings and Raskolnikov hears two people outside, ready for an appointment with the pawnbroker. When they discover that the door is locked, they go to fetch the porter. Raskolnikov slips past them and hides in the apartment below. They discover the bodies, and Raskolnikov slips away in the ensuing chaos. He returns home, replaces his stolen axe, and then, overcome by his frantic thoughts, he slips into unconsciousness.
Raskolnikov is a study in contradictions: He is handsome, but deliberately makes himself filthy; he is intelligent, but neglects his studies; he is impulsively generous and empathetic, but commits two gruesome murders. The distance between the man he imagines himself to be—someone who could keep his sister from a horrible mercenary marriage, who protects unsuspecting women on the street, who pays for a new acquaintance’s funeral—clashes with the man ground down by poverty. The financial straits Raskolnikov finds himself in force him to cut himself off from other people. Alienated and flitting between proud arrogance and anxious self-loathing, Raskolnikov wants to seal himself away in his tiny apartment.
The novel illustrates the disastrous influence of poverty on people. Every character we see has to make moral compromises because of money. Dunia must work at a job where her employer is a sexual predator and then must acquiesce to a loveless marriage to make her brother’s life more secure. Marmeladov cannot stop drinking, creating an endless cycle of poverty and addiction. Marmeladov’s all-consuming alcoholism means that his wife has begun to physically abuse him and that his daughter must do sex work to provide for the family. Even background characters like the officers Raskolnikov overhead discussing how horrible Aliona Ivanovna is speculate about killing her. Raskolnikov’s decision to murder his pawnbroker is farther along the moral failure, but it is in keeping with what he sees happening around him.
Raskolnikov casts Aliona Ivanovna as a counterpoint to himself: She is old, he is young; she is a woman, he is a man; she is careful and precise, he is scattered and nervous; she is meticulously dressed, while he is wearing rags. He thinks of himself as a superior sort of man down on his luck, so he mentally dehumanizes her. He believes that he is a moral man, so he convinces himself that killing her will be a moral act by thinking of her as a louse, a parasite, and a drain on society. However, Aliona Ivanovna and Raskolnikov are more alike that they realize. Both are products of their environment, cogs in the miserable machine of poverty. Both have financially entangled sisters—one could even draw a parallel between the abuse Lizaveta suffers at Aliona Ivanovna’s hands with the misery Dunia endures because Raskolnikov cannot support his mother and sister.
The murder of Aliona Ivanovna reveals the inherent flaws in Raskolnikov’s conviction that killing the old pawnbroker will be doing the world a favor. Forced to kill Lizaveta, Raskolnikov must abandon the strict moral code he created and embrace the chaos and randomness of reality. This second murder shows the hollowness of Raskolnikov’s actions: He is not an extraordinary man who murders for the greater good of society. Instead, he is a reactive, impulsive person who is no better than any other murderer. The death of Lizaveta forces Raskolnikov to confront this brutal truth and he suffers as a result.
By Fyodor Dostoevsky
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