41 pages 1 hour read

Dorothy L. Sayers

Gaudy Night

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1935

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Chapters 20-23Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Harriet returns with her new chess set and displays it for everyone in the common room. She thinks, “What is the use of acquiring one’s heart’s desire if one cannot handle and gloat over it, show it to one’s friends and gather an anthology of envy and admiration?” (494). Miss Edwards suggests that Harriet use one of the science room’s display cases to keep the set in her room. They all urge her to play a game with the pieces. Even though Harriet is a mediocre player, she allows Miss de Vine to beat her in three matches. Afterward, Miss Hillyard helps Harriet transport the case and chess pieces to her room, where she can admire them at her leisure.


The following day as she’s completing some errands, Harriet spies Wimsey and Pomfret out for a stroll. The two have apparently settled their differences. She calls on Wimsey afterward. He informs her that Climpson is still trying to trace Robinson and his family connections. He complains that although he knows who the Poison-Pen is, he hasn’t been able to assemble proof yet. Harriet expresses surprise that Wimsey knows the identity of the culprit. He seems equally amazed that she doesn’t and exclaims, “For God’s sake, put your prejudices aside and think it out. What’s happened to you that you can’t put two and two together?” (500-01). He urges her to clear her mind and go through her case file carefully. Wimsey then offers a cryptic clue when he says that there is no devil like devoted love.


Later that day, the Warden informs Harriet that Wimsey proposed a way to draw out the culprit, but the Warden refused to execute his suggestion until he could provide more evidence. He counters by saying that in the meantime, the culprit might grow more desperate. Her prime targets would be Harriet and Miss de Vine, as well as one additional unnamed person. Even in the face of this caution, the Warden refuses to let Wimsey act. That evening as the faculty assembles outside before dinner, someone notices a fine silk scarf lying on the ground. Miss Hillyard says she noticed it in Fellows’ Garden the night before. Harriet claims it belongs to Wimsey, which seems to offend Miss Hillyard for some reason.


After dinner, Harriet returns to her room to discover that her chess set has been smashed. She calls Wimsey, and he comes over to investigate. The ferocity of the attack forces him to conclude that the vandal doesn’t merely fear Harriet; she hates her. One of the servants interrupts to call Wimsey away to the Foreign Office on urgent business. Harriet sees him to the gate, and he kisses her hand. Miss Hillyard witnesses this exchange and accuses Harriet and Wimsey of carrying on an affair at the college. Harriet notices broken glass and a fragment of a chess piece stuck to Miss Hillyard’s shoe. She accuses her of smashing the chess set, but Hillyard denies the charge. She says she came to Harriet’s room to confront her about Wimsey and found the pieces already broken. After calling Wimsey to inform him about these new developments, Harriet wisely decides to spend the night in a different room.

Chapter 21 Summary

Wimsey agrees to meet Harriet at Fellows’ Garden the following morning to discuss the chess set incident. As he approaches, Harriet assesses him physically in a way she’s never done before. She’s always appraised him intellectually and finds herself wondering if an alliance between intellect and flesh is even possible. She dismisses the combination as absurd and thinks, “If Peter wanted to make the experiment, he must do it without Harriet’s connivance. Six centuries of possessive blood would not be dictated to by a bare forty-five years of over-sensitized intellect” (530).


The two go back to her room to inspect the damage. Wimsey discovers two sets of footprints in the room—one belonging to Miss Hillyard, and the other to the vandal. It appears that Miss Hillyard only paused briefly before leaving. Harriet is about to seek out Miss Hillyard to make an apology, but Wimsey offers to go in her place. Harriet waits in the quad because she doesn’t want to talk to anyone in the common room. Miss Hillyard finds her there and apologizes for her own accusations regarding Harriet’s relationship with Wimsey. The two agree to put the matter behind them.


That evening Harriet receives an urgent message from St. George. He says he’s again caught a glimpse of the strange woman he first met inside Fellows’ Garden. She was spotted on Magdalen Bridge in broad daylight. The viscount says, “She was walking along, muttering to herself, and looking awfully queer. Sort of clutching with her hands and rolling her eyes about. She spotted me, too. Couldn’t mistake her” (526). Harriet asks St. George to come to the college for dinner in hopes of identifying the strange woman there.


Harriet belatedly realizes that she needs to warn Miss de Vine that she may be in danger from this deranged individual. Before going in search of her, Harriet puts on the dog collar to protect herself. When she arrives at Miss de Vine’s chamber, the room is dark. She steps inside and is assaulted by someone who tries to choke her. Surprised by the collar, the attacker stumbles. Harriet falls too and gashes her head on a bookcase. When she returns to consciousness, she sees the room filled with people and Miss de Vine unconscious on the couch.


Hours later, Harriet awakes again in the Infirmary to learn that Miss de Vine had a mild heart attack when she found Harriet on the floor in a pool of blood caused by her head injury. St. George comes to visit Harriet and fills in the gaps about what happened. Wimsey arrived on the scene shortly after the attack and immediately asked where Annie was. After a lengthy search, the scout is found stuffed into the coal bin. She, too, was attacked but never saw her assailant’s face. Wimsey has been called away yet again on government business, but he left instructions for Harriet to keep still until he returns. The proof of the vandal’s identity is beginning to pile up nicely, and he will reveal all when he gets back.

Chapter 22 Summary

After giving the assaulted individuals a few days to recover, the Dean convenes a meeting in the Senior Common Room. Wimsey is there to explain the facts of the case. He points out that the attacks didn’t begin until after the arrival of Miss de Vine during the Gaudy Night festivities. This limits the possible suspects to faculty, staff, and servants. Wimsey is convinced that the note slipped into Harriet’s academic gown was intended for Miss de Vine, but a mistake was made because of the similarity in their label tags: H. de Vine and H. D. Vane. Wimsey then goes on to describe the nature of the other attacks. Referring to the culprit as X, he concludes, “The bias displayed by X seemed to be strongly antischolastic, and to have a more or less rational motive, based on some injury amounting in X’s mind to murder, inflicted upon a male person by a female scholar” (549).


Knowing that Miss de Vine is the spur for these attacks, Wimsey determines to learn if she has injured anyone in her prior career. During his dinner with the academics, Wimsey coaxes the story of Robinson’s disgrace out of Miss de Vine. He then begins to trace Robinson’s current whereabouts as well as that of his family. The man committed suicide three years earlier, leaving a widow and two small daughters. That widow is none other than Annie, the scout. She bitterly resents the female scholars who destroyed her husband’s life and brought his family to financial ruin. Wimsey then explains how she committed each of her crimes and moved about with no one the wiser. She also locked herself in the coal bin to deflect suspicion. Padgett found the access key she hid under a pile of coal.

Wimsey wants to have Annie arrested, but the Dean insists on allowing the woman to defend herself. When Annie is brought into the room, she freely confesses to the crimes. She vents her hatred toward female intellectuals by saying:


What business had you with a job like that? A woman’s job is to look after a husband and children. I wish I had killed you. I wish I could kill you all. I wish I could burn down this place and all the places like it—where you teach women to take men’s jobs and rob them first and kill them afterwards (563).


She then turns her wrath on Wimsey and spits in his face. She says men like him encourage female academics but know nothing about the struggles real women face in the real world. Annie goes on to accuse Harriet as the worst of the lot for using Wimsey and then discarding him when his purpose has been served. After hurling more abuse and accusations, she’s taken from the room. Stunned and shaken by this outburst, everyone leaves the common room except for Harriet and Miss de Vine. The elder woman counsels Harriet to reach some decision about her relationship with Wimsey. When Harriet asks if she would advise marrying such a man, Miss de Vine retorts, “A marriage of two independent and equally irritable intelligences seems to me reckless to the point of insanity. You can hurt one another so dreadfully” (571). Miss de Vine tells Harriet to stop hurting herself and other people as well.

Chapter 23 Summary

Once the identity of the Poison-Pen has been revealed, the tension at the college eases. The narrator observes, “They were all normal again. They had never been anything else. Now that the distorting-glass of suspicion was removed, they were kindly, intelligent human beings […] as understandable and pleasant as daily bread” (573). A few days later, Wimsey seeks out Harriet for a long talk about their personal relationship. He explains that his initial pursuit of her was egotistical and self-absorbed. He confesses, “I was so terrified of losing you before I could grasp you that I babbled out all my greed and fear as though, God help me, you had nothing to think of but me and my windy self-importance” (575-76).


Harriet protests that her own behavior was equally to blame. Before he departs on other business, Wimsey asks her to attend a musical concert at the university with him on Sunday evening. Afterward, they walk to the middle of Magdalen Bridge to enjoy the glowing lights of the university. Harriet begins to explain how much her feelings have changed toward Wimsey. She admits that her murder trial left her emotionally shattered and mistrustful of herself. It has taken five years for her to regain a sense of her own value. She hints that if Wimsey will renew his proposal one more time, it might meet with a more favorable reply.


Because she can’t bring herself to say the word, “Yes,” Wimsey helps her by speaking Latin and receiving her reply in the same language: “‘Placetne, magistra?’ ‘Placet’” (582). In English, he is asking, “Does it please thee, Lady Scholar?” Harriet replies, “It pleases.” As the two share an embrace, a university official walks by and mutters to himself:


The Proctor, stumping grimly past with averted eyes, reflected that Oxford was losing all sense of dignity. But what could he do? If Senior Members of the University chose to stand—in their gowns, too!—closely and passionately embracing in New College Lane right under the Warden’s windows, he was powerless to prevent it (582).

Chapters 20-23 Analysis

The final section of the novel focuses on a central theme that hasn’t been articulated previously because it exists solely in the mind of the villain, although it drives every attack on the women of Shrewsbury. Until Annie is exposed as the Poison-Pen, the reader has no opportunity to understand the motive that drives her behavior. Her hatred of female intellectuals isn’t simple jealousy. Nor does it have anything to do with Harriet’s erroneous Freudian theory of sexual maladjustment.


Annie’s reasoning is far more pragmatic than the high-flown theories spun by the intellectuals surrounding her. In the final few chapters, Gaudy Night comes directly to grips with the British class system and its destructive effects on the lower orders. Annie is a servant who fulfills the needs of upper-class intellectual women. Their wealthy social class is what makes it possible for them to pursue a life of the mind. Annie is forced to sacrifice the needs of her own children to fulfill the housekeeping chores for these women. She only gets to see her daughters two days a week and must board them with other families.


While Annie is lower class, her husband had aspirations to become an academic. This would have bettered the lot of the entire family. However, his career was destroyed by an academic female of the upper class whose intellectual pursuits and principles aren’t driven by the need to survive financially. Annie holds a grudge against the privileged women who steal jobs from male breadwinners, but she also holds as much of a grudge against privileged males, like Wimsey, who encourage female academic ambitions. In articulating her grievances, Annie becomes the spokeswoman for her entire working-class gender and the difficulties they face because of their financial dependence on men.


Once the central mystery of the novel is solved, the final chapter revisits the issue that has been nagging at Harriet from the outset. As a female intellectual, can she ever reconcile her life of the mind with her physical attraction toward Wimsey? The last pages of the novel indicate that both she and her chosen partner have matured to such a degree that the answer is “yes.”

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