55 pages • 1 hour read
Kirstin Valdez QuadeA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Ofelia Alma Zamora was named after her grandmother. She is 11 years old. Ofelia is sick with an ailment that no one can diagnose or cure. She wonders if her illness was caused by the evil eye. She lives with her grandfather in a small village, and on this particular morning, they are going to Albuquerque on their monthly supply run. Ofelia used to wish that they lived in the nearby community of Estancia because it is larger than their tiny hamlet, but her grandfather once explained to her that their ancestors were among the first people granted land in this area. She realizes now that their roots in this place run deep and that they will continue to live here until the town itself dies out. Ofelia’s mother left them both seven years ago, and although Ofelia’s grandfather has tried to explain that her mother was too young to take responsibility for a child, Ofelia still misses her. Occasionally, she will catch sight of her mother somewhere, and she always observes the woman in quiet fascination.
Ofelia is sure that the evil eye is going to kill her, and she does her best to enjoy the routine of her days with her grandfather. One day, she and her grandfather think that they see Ofelia’s mother. Neither can truly be sure, but the incident prompts her grandfather to tell her a horrible story about her mother. He admits that he himself was abusive in his marriage to his wife, Ofelia’s grandmother. Ofelia’s mother witnessed this abuse, which scarred her. Ofelia wishes that her grandfather had not shared this information with her, but she does reflect on her own memories of her mother. She recalls her mother coming back to collect her things after having left Ofelia with her grandmother. At the time, Ofelia was angry and resentful, but now she wonders now if she could have influenced her mother to stay if she had behaved differently. She believed that the man who drove her mother home to pack her possessions might have given her the evil eye, but Ofelia now thinks that she cursed herself. Despite what her grandfather has told her, she still feels a deep connection to him, and she hopes to die just a few seconds after he does so that the two of them will never be parted.
This story, the last in the collection, continues to explore the theme of Fraught Family Bonds. As in previous narratives, the family depicted is fractured by abuse and abandonment, but this story suggests the possibility of redemption and reconciliation. Ofelia, the young protagonist, lives with her grandfather after having been abandoned by both her mother and her grandmother. Despite this early sense of betrayal, Ofelia misses her mother and often tries to catch a glimpse of her whenever she and her grandfather venture into the larger cities. The true complexity of the family is fully revealed when her grandfather—who is loving with her—nonetheless admits that his past abuse caused Ofelia’s mother and grandmother to flee from the family home. By creating such a notable contrast between the grandfather’s past behavior and his current devotion to his granddaughter, Valdez Quade crafts a story that expresses the possibility of reconciliation and emphasizes the redemptive power of love and dedication to family. It is also significant that this final story ends on note of wistful hope, demonstrating the importance of humanizing even the most problematic people rather than condemning them outright. In this case, the narrative also suggests that redemption is possible for violent, abusive men. While the story contains no suggestion that Ofelia’s grandfather does not deserve judgment for his past behavior, the emphasis is instead on his willingness to take responsibility for his past violence, and this dynamic implies that it is possible for such individuals to right their past wrongs by committing to the well-being of their family members. Ultimately, Valdez Quade presents a character whose road to redemption is paved with concrete action, and she ends her collection on a positive note.
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