48 pages 1 hour read

Rachel Gillig

One Dark Window

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2022

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Part 1, Chapters 8-14Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “The Cards”

Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary

Left alone with Ravyn, Elspeth is fitted with a blindfold. He asks her to name the Card he places on a table and its color to prove she can see Cards. She notices the Cards’ colors sometimes flicker. Distracted by the Black Horse Card, Elspeth recalls the strength and cost of each Card; however, no one knows the power of the Twin Alders Card. As Ravyn continues to place Cards before Elspeth, they discuss his attack in the forest and why he won’t arrest her despite being infected. He then places a card with no color, and she correctly guesses it is fake. When he is satisfied, she offers him a deal: Elspeth will help Ravyn find the Cards he’s missing from his Deck if he keeps her infection a secret. Furthermore, he is not allowed to take her uncle’s Cards or use her Nightmare card.

Part 1, Chapter 9 Summary

Ravyn leaves Elspeth at the Spindle rooms, and as she prepares for the Equinox feast with her half-sisters, she considers his personality. When they arrive at the feast, they are greeted by Elm, who quickly whisks Elspeth away. As he tries to discern how she earned Ravyn’s trust, they are joined by Hauth, and she is disturbed by his attitude. She finds her aunt Opal and asks for Ione, who is with her father Tyrn and the Rowan King. Before long, Alyx finds and informs Elspeth that he‘s obtained her father Erik’s consent to have her join his table for the feast. When she spies Ravyn, she uses him as an excuse to avoid Alyx and sits at the Yew table. Emory is absent, and before long, the Rowan King arrives. He welcomes his guests, acknowledging how hard the harvest has been because of the Spirit’s mist, and then announces Tyrn provided him with the Nightmare Card and Ione, who used the Maiden Card, is betrothed to Hauth.

Part 1, Chapter 10 Summary

Elspeth is upset at Ione’s use of the Maiden Card and betrothal to Hauth. Ravyn calls her out for not admitting Tyrn had the other Nightmare Card, indirectly revealing the Rowan King does not know he has the first Nightmare Card. Weary of lies and vague answers, she asks for the whole truth. Elspeth and Ravyn leave the hall, garnering attention from her stepmother Nerium, and head to Ravyn’s rooms, where he calls for his council. As he concentrates on contacting the others, the Nightmare tells Elspeth to remain quiet and observant, unintentionally revealing he knows how the Providence Cards work. Suddenly, Ravyn quiets her. They hear Orithe Willow, head of the Physicians, and his colleague on the other side of the door, discussing how difficult Emory is to control and how protective Ravyn is of him. They leave, and Ravyn retrieves the Mirror Card for Elspeth to use. She insists on not touching the Card due to her history with the Nightmare, so Ravyn uses it to become invisible.

Elspeth follows the color of Ravyn’s Cards, only to find Nerium calling for her. Drunk, she accuses Elspeth of putting the family at risk, insults her deceased mother, and says her father likely does not care for her, considering he sent her away as a child. She leaves after Elspeth reminds her that her mother’s memory will never be replaced. Ravyn is quiet during their exchange and sympathizes with Elspeth before bringing her to a cellar, where Jespyr, Elm, Filick, and Ravyn’s parents, Fenir and Morette Yew (formerly Morette Rowan), are waiting for her.

Part 1, Chapter 11 Summary

Before interrogation, Elspeth is given the option of submitting to the Scythe Card, the Chalice Card—which creates a truth serum—or the Nightmare Card. She follows the Nightmare’s advice and chooses the Scythe Card. Elm uses the Scythe Card to make her feel euphoria and hopelessness, then forces her to hurt herself by slapping her cheek three times. Once he is satisfied she is under his tether, Fenir asks about her childhood and why Tyrn took her in.

Ravyn then asks whether or not Elspeth trusts the team, and she struggles not to give too much away. He asks about her abilities, as he does not understand how she is able to hold her own against him and Elm. She asks the Nightmare for help, as the Scythe Card has no sway over him, and she is again allowed to lie. When Elspeth is asked if she will keep the team’s purpose a secret, she promises truthfully. Ravyn clarifies the team’s purpose: They are collecting a Deck of Cards to save the Rowan King’s would-be sacrifice Emory, since The Old Book of Alders states infected blood is needed to lift the Spirit’s mist. They are currently missing the Well Card, the Iron Gate Card, and the Twin Alders Card, and assure Elspeth that should she help them, she will also be cured of infection. She agrees to help.

Part 1, Chapter 12 Summary

Elspeth waits outside the cellar as the council communes. She confronts the Nightmare for not sharing his immunity to the other Providence Cards, but he blames her for not noticing his clues. She eavesdrops on the council: Elm is not convinced Elspeth should be trusted, but the others argue that since Morette used the Prophet Card and saw Elspeth in their future, she is meant to join. Fenir decides Elspeth should be brought to Yew House, and Jespyr proposes they invite her under the pretense that Ravyn is courting her. Ravyn is unwilling at first, but as he finds her beautiful and there are no alternatives, he accepts. The council disperses, and Ravyn meets with Elspeth. He confirms the team’s plan, reminding her that finding the Cards will be dangerous. She asks if she can leave whenever she wants, and while Ravyn assures her that she can return to Opal and Tyrn at any time, the Nightmare warns her about different cages. Elspeth nevertheless leaves with Ravyn.

Before they return to the gardens to publicly imply their courtship, Ravyn takes Elspeth to see Emory. He explains they need to complete the Deck before Solstice because Emory’s magic makes him erratic during changes in seasons. As they approach his room, they discover he has disappeared.

Part 1, Chapter 13 Summary

As Elspeth and Ravyn hurry to find Emory, they encounter the Rowan King, who takes an interest in Elspeth. They return to the gardens and see Emory beyond the crowd. The pair are separated by the drunken crowd, and Elm grudgingly saves Elspeth from being trampled. They watch as Ravyn confronts the White Eagle Card-wielders circling Emory, who pickpocketed them. Emboldened by their Cards’ courage, the men come to blows. Elm mentions Ravyn is infected, like Elspeth and Emory are. As Ravyn subdues the men and takes their Cards, Elspeth sees their white color flicker.

Part 1, Chapter 14 Summary

While Emory makes fun of Elspeth and Ravyn, she confronts Ravyn about his infection, demanding to know his arrangement with the Rowan King and his magic. Ravyn reveals that while he can use the Nightmare Card, the Mirror Card, and perhaps the Twin Alders Card, he cannot use other Cards—nor can they be used on him. Elspeth’s half-sisters find them, and Elspeth and Ravyn escape by using dancing as an excuse—which garners attention from other members of the court. She tells him that she still doesn’t trust him, even with his admission of treason. When they return to Emory and Elm, Emory quotes The Old Book of Alders’s description (foreword) of the Nightmare Card, which tells her that he sees her Nightmare.

Part 1, Chapters 8-14 Analysis

This section expands on the novel’s magic system and the history that led to its defilement. Central to this exposition and the main characters’ mission is The Old Book of Alders, as it details how to lift the Spirit’s mist as well as the history of the Providence Cards, their application and cost, and how non-Card magic operates. While the characters discuss how to dispel the mist, the Cards are explained in pre-chapter excerpts from The Old Book of Alders. These forewords explain how the Shepherd King bartered to make his Cards and in doing so, foreshadow Elspeth’s physical and mental changes: In a rhyme scheme that evokes fairy tales, the foreword for Chapter 10 states, “but it felt incomplete, my collection yet whole,/And so, for the Nightmare…/I bartered my soul” (97). It also foreshadows the true nature of Elspeth’s magic and the Nightmare, and explains how the legal magic system came to exist. In the previous section, the Providence Cards were explained as “Magic gifted to him [the Shepherd King] by the Spirit of the Wood, which he then used to create Providence Cards” (32).

However, the forewords suggest this history is either incomplete or tampered by the Rowans to establish Dominance Through Fear. The Shepherd King created the Cards through sacrifice, as the Nightmare—later revealed to be the Shepherd King himself—reminds Elspeth: “Nothing is free. Nothing is safe. Magic is love, but also, it’s hate. It comes at a cost” (105). He gave up his soul for the Nightmare Card, his sleep for the Scythe Card, and his wife’s bones for the Mirror Card. These sacrifices and the Spirit’s magic make the creation of the Cards a dual effort. However, the Rowan King benefits from lauding the Shepherd King over the Spirit: Blunder’s citizens only credit the Shepherd King for the Cards, despite the truth being recorded in The Old Book of Alders. This mythologization of the previous ruler implies The Old Book of Alders’s meaning has been reframed. The Rowan King rewrites history, ignoring the Spirit’s involvement with the Cards to elevate the royal family and make Card magic acceptable to use—differentiating both forms of power from the Spirit’s mist. Moreover, the Dominance Through Fear theme is evident in the characters’ use of the Providence Cards and the power dynamics they create. The interrogation scene with the Scythe Card is a stark representation of this theme, where fear and control are wielded as tools to manipulate Elspeth.

Falsifying History and “Otherness” comes to the fore in the mystery surrounding the Providence Cards, especially the Twin Alders card, whose power and cost remain unknown. This lack of knowledge about the cards’ true nature develops the broader theme of history being obscured or altered by those in power. Elspeth’s ability to see the cards’ colors, which sometimes flicker, further symbolizes the uncertainty and fluidity of historical truth in this world. Her unique perspective allows her to perceive truths that others cannot, placing her in a position of “otherness” within the society. This theme is echoed in the narrative as Elspeth navigates a world where history is a malleable concept, manipulated to serve the purposes of those in power.

The complex relationship between the Providence Cards, The Old Book of Alders, and the characters’ interaction with these elements highlights the manipulation of history and truth. The novel emphasizes the altering of historical narratives by those in power, particularly the Rowan King, who obscures the Spirit’s involvement in the creation of the Cards. This alteration serves to elevate the royal family and legitimize the use of Card magic, establishing a clear division between the accepted forms of power and the feared, “othered” magic of the Spirit’s mist.

In the context of Family and (Dis)Loyalty, Elspeth’s interactions with Ravyn and her family members further underscore the theme. Her willingness to make deals and navigate complex relationships, even with those who have previously harmed her, speaks to the nuanced understanding of loyalty in a world where personal and familial survival often takes precedence over traditional bonds. The symbol of the (Family) Trees is pertinent in these interactions, representing the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of familial loyalties in a world rife with deception and power struggles.

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