43 pages 1 hour read

Louise Penny

Still Life

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Still Life by Louise Penny introduces readers to the quaint village of Three Pines with an engaging mystery. Reviewers praise its rich character development and atmospheric setting, citing Armand Gamache as a standout protagonist. Some critique its slow pace and occasional predictability. Overall, it is deemed a charming start to the series.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Still Life?

Still Life by Louise Penny will captivate readers who appreciate intricately plotted mysteries with a strong sense of place. Set in a quaint Canadian village, it appeals to fans of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple series and those who enjoy character-driven whodunits like Tana French’s In the Woods.


Reading Age


Book Details

Mystery / Crime Fiction
Values/Ideas: Art
Natural World: Appearance & Reality
Society: Community