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Kevin PowersA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter 3 jumps forward in time to the closest moment to the narrator’s present so far, after Bart’s tour of duty is over and he is about to head home to the States. His platoon has a layover in Germany, and won’t fly out until the morning, so he slips off base to wander the nearby town. During the cab ride, he thinks about how the passing trees and rain-soaked scenery remind him of the war, despite seemingly being the exact opposite climate, and he finds himself gripping an imaginary rifle. After he gets out of the cab, Bart wanders the streets, appreciating the lack of interactions with the people around him and reflecting on how much he does not want to run into Sergeant Sterling: “The mere thought of him made bile well up in a kind of raw, acidic burn at the back of my throat” (55).
He passes a cathedral and enters, sitting in the back with a brochure on its history. He watches a tour of children as they pass through the nave and looks at the portraits of martyred saints on the walls. Eventually a priest, Father Bernard, comes over to him and asks if he wants to talk, saying, “You look troubled” (58). During the course of their brief conversation, Bart makes mention of a “mistake” that is hinted at but not fully explained. He declines to unburden himself to the priest, so Father Bernard asks if he can pray for Bart. Bart again declines, thinking about what led him to this moment: “I realized, as I stood there in the church, that there was a sharp distinction between what was remembered, what was told, and what was true. And I didn’t think I’d ever figure out which was which” (60). Father Bernard asks if there is a friend he can pray for, and Bart tells him he can pray for Murph, whose death is hinted to be the source of Bart’s preoccupation, and perhaps connected to the “mistake” mentioned earlier.
After this, Bart exits the church and finds himself outside a brothel a fellow soldier told him about. He hovers outside awhile, then finally enters, but just sits at the bar drinking whiskey. He tries to engage with the bartender, a young woman with a black eye, but doesn’t get anywhere. Finally, there is a crash, and Bart sees Sergeant Sterling, clearly drunk, stumble down the stairs, bleeding from his lip. Sterling comes over to Bart and treats the bartender roughly, “grabb[ing] her by the face with his free hand and squeez[ing]” (66). Bart distracts him by getting him to sit down and have a drink with him, at which point Sterling mentions Murph’s face after they saw a suicide bomber blow herself up. They drink more, and Sterling mentions Murph again, saying, “We know what happened. That’s all we got,” before implying he has something over Bart’s head, more than finding him AWOL, and saying he owns Bart. Eventually, Bart says, “We could tell […] Just get the whole thing over with” (69).
Bart then wakes up upstairs, having been given a place to sleep by the bartender. Sterling is gone. He goes downstairs and drinks more, and eventually wakes up again near dusk on the bank of a canal. He returns to base, and Sterling says he covered for Bart but they aren’t finished. The chapter concludes with Bart thinking, “I was almost home, I thought, almost gone” (72).
Chapter 4 returns to Al Tafar, Iraq, picking up from where Chapter 1 left off: “we took turns on watch, sleeping for two hours and nodding off behind our rifles for one” (75). During a mail delivery, Murph gets a letter from his girlfriend back home, in which she breaks up with him. This causes Bart to reflect on his own home and the night he enlisted and told his mother, before being drawn back into the present moment and looking at Murph, who was “sad that his girl had left him, but without anger or resentment, despite being only a few hours removed from all the killing of the night before” (80). We also learn more about how Murph will soon die, “perhaps one beat of his heart remaining as they threw his tortured body from the window of the minaret” (80). Bart also sees a photo of Murph and his now ex-girlfriend, Marie, whom Bart had never seen before that day. Sterling, overhearing them, interjects that he would “kill a bitch” if she dumped him like that (81). Bart then reflects that this is probably the moment where he should’ve noticed that Murph had given up.
The scene continues with Murph folding the photo up with his “casualty feeder card,” which has identifying information and places to mark what has happened to a soldier, with boxes for “Killed in Action,” and “Captured,” among others (82). Bart finally opens a package he received and finds a bottle of “Gold Label” (83), which he and Murph take drinks from: “For a moment we forgot our predicament and were just two friends drinking under a tree” (83).
Later that night, they see fires in the town. Murph says, "It must be the whole city out there" (84). The lieutenant informs them the colonel wants to see them, and they put on a show of being "falsely strong" (85). The colonel arrives with a camera crew and gives them a speech (as Bart mentions) reminiscent of opening of the movie Patton, then leaves. Bart reflects that he "was moved then, but what I recall most vividly about that speech was the colonel's pride, his satisfaction with his own directness, his disregard for us as individuals" (87).
The lieutenant then gives them the operation's details: they will be moving under cover of darkness through the orchard nearby around the edge of the city to a point where they will push into the city itself to retake it. Bart and Murph find out from Sterling that the army has taken this town twice before, and Bart imagines it to be a perpetual, seasonal undertaking, every autumn. Bart and Murph are clearly nervous; Sterling, in one of his most paternal moments, reassures them. Bart begins to get the feeling he always does before a battle, and he remembers Murph explaining it best to an embedded journalist, comparing it to the moment before a car accident: "Feels pretty helpless actually, like you've been riding along same as always, then it's there staring you in the face and you don't have the power to do shit about it" (93). The chapter ends with the pair observing Sterling as they move into position and the battle is imminent, with Murph saying, "I think he's losing his shit, Bart," after they catch Sterling salting the ground wherever he goes (as Sterling says, "It's from Judges" in the Bible) (94). The final moment of the chapter shows Murph looking through his scope to see what Sterling is doing. Murph tells Bart, "He's got a fucking body [...] And he's not smiling anymore" (95).
Chapter 5 opens on the heels of where Chapter 3 left off: Bart is on a plane from Germany heading back to the States, reflecting on loss and forgiveness. He describes the atmosphere on the plane: "we began to yell and smile, slowly, as if our bodies were underwater" (101). Bart drifts off to sleep then jerks awake, once again reaching for his phantom rifle. He notes the empty seats, representing those who didn't make it on the plane—people like Murph, who have been killed. Bart remains meditative, looking out the window at the ocean below, and watching a group of fellow soldiers repeatedly call over the clerks for a moment of human contact.
Finally, they reach North America, and Bart describes the contrast to the Iraqi desert: "It was impossibly green [...] so green that I would have jumped from the plane if I could have, to float over that green briefly, to let it be real and whole and as large as I imagined" (102). He drifts off again and is wakened by the LT. As he and the rest of his platoon file off the plane, he thinks, "The usual had become remarkable, the remarkable boring, and toward whatever came in between I felt only a listless confusion" (103). After a quick safety briefing from the LT (including a bit about "hugging" rather than "slugging" one's wife [104]), the soldiers are let loose, though they are somewhat at a loss as to what to do, some asking, "Well, what now?" (104). Bart feels similarly, but then thinks of all the casualties of war, and resists the lost feeling. Instead, he finds a bar and has a few beers. He offers to clean a smudge he left on the clean floor to a passing janitor, but is refused. The bartender asks about his time in Iraq, saying they should nuke the region instead of sending soldiers. Bart deflects and tries to pay as boarding time nears for the next leg of his journey. The bartender refuses the money and tries to shake Bart’s hand, but Bart "pick[s] up the money and hand[s] it back to him and turn[s] and le[aves]" (107).
Once he is on the plane to Richmond, the pilot calls him an "American hero" over the announcements, and Bart thinks, "Fuck it," and accepts free Jack and Cokes and an upgrade, thinking of the aloofness and loneliness he and his fellow soldiers are all flying toward by now. After the plane lands, Bart's mother arrives to pick him up. She embraces him, touching him "as if to prove I was not a fleeting apparition" (108). Then she slaps him and continues to embrace him, saying "Oh John," over and over (109). Bart thinks, "I felt as if I'd somehow returned to the singular safety of the womb [...] Yet when she said, 'Oh, John, you're home,' I did not believe her" (109). They drive to his childhood home, and he catches himself looking for places to take cover in a passing field he used to play in, the past and the present overlapping. When they arrive, his mother says she is making him breakfast and asks what he wants to do first. He tells her he wants to sleep and goes to his room, stripping and cutting off all light, feeling as if he were "disappearing" as he takes off his uniform (111). Finally, he falls asleep: "I don't remember what I dreamed, but Murph was there, Murph and me and the same ghosts every night" (112).
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 begin to fall into the rhythm of the novel's structure that will carry through to the end, after the slight deviation represented by Chapter 2. From here on out, there will be a chapter from the post-Iraq timeline followed by a return to the events of Al Tafar in 2004. This three-chapter section forms a sort of calm-before-the-storm section of the novel, after which the events and trauma will begin to accelerate toward the novel's climax.
Chapter 3 jumps ahead in time, past the events in Al Tafar and into Bart's experiences on his way home to the U.S., after Murph has been killed. As one of the largest time jumps in the novel, Chapter 3 is able to set up some stark contrasts: for instance, we see a much different version of Sterling through Bart's eyes here than we did in Chapter 2. In Chapter 2, Powers establishesthe respect Bart feels for Sterling; in Chapter 3, this respect feels absent, or at least shifts dramatically. Early in the chapter, Bart narrates, "The mere thought of [Sterling] made bile well up in a kind of war, acidic burn at the back of my throat" (55). There might still be respect mixed in, but here, the overwhelming feeling Bart seems to have toward Sterling is disgust. Yet again, Powers establishes a mystery that compels the reader to want to know and understand more, in order to find out what causes this shift.
There is a lot more space for reflection in these chapters due to Bart being in transition in both of the post-Iraq chapters, and the lull between battles that encapsulates Chapter 4's episode in Iraq. Chapter 3 begins with Bart finding a car and reflexively grabbing for a rifle (54), an action repeated in Chapter 5, when Bart is on the plane (101). This creates a sense of cohesion through the time shifts. Chapters 3 and 5 also work to establish a theme that continues to develop, especially near the end of the novel, involving the conflicted feelings Bart feels toward both his time in the army, his decision to join up, and, most particularly, the ways in which civilians react to him. The people in Germany, in Chapter 3, except for the priest, pretty much leave him to his own devices (and even the priest does not seem to push to excess). Once he reaches the U.S. in Chapter 5, however, and is confronted by the airport bartender's attempts at honoring him, Bart feels the shame of being lauded a hero without feeling he has earned it: "[I] Didn't want to pretend I'd done anything except survive" (107).
These actions and feelings make more sense given the context contained in the chapter that falls between them, Chapter 4, especially the scene with the colonel, who comes to perform a speech for a camera. When the soldiers are told he is coming, Bart narrates, “I felt like a self-caricature, that we were falsely strong” (85). Here, they are performing like the soldiers they think others want to see. Later, when the colonel is giving his “Patton imitation” speech, he is doing the same, based on representations in history and popular culture. Bart says, “I was moved then, but what I now recall most vividly about that speech was the colonel’s pride, […] his disregard for us as individuals” (87). Given these performances, it makes sense that by the time everything had happened and Bart was on U.S. soil once more, he would be tired of pretending, and yet also afraid not to do so.